To be or not to be

Are you the kind of person that responds to questions with short, simple, direct answers or do you elaborate on your response with meticulous specific details? Those that try to answer with a yes or no are often asked to then elaborate further. There’s no problem with either kind of response. Typically the answer can reveal a side of your personality.

Those of us that are generally brief and straightforward generalize a lot. The rest of us tend to be very organized and detail oriented. Nothing is absolutely conclusive but this little test can provide insight into who we are.

If you’re detail-oriented you probably have artistic abilities and/or analytical skills. I know curiosity has gripped a hold on you now. If you were ever curious about what kind of personality you are there are different websites like this “16personalities” that can shed light on your chemistry.

We’re all unique but it’s good to know there are others that share some of our tendencies.

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