Election 2016 vs. 2018

This is being hailed as the “Most Important mid-term election ever.” Why? The answer depends on which side of the fence you’re on. Some may even say it depends on which side of the wall.

When people say they’ll vote or try to vote or want to vote, how many times do they actually vote? This time more are predicted to turn out possibly than ever before because you can’t complain if you don’t vote.

On the one side of the fence; You cannot look back on past losses or mourn them for too long in the public eye. Why because many of your sympathizers will leave you eventually. Looking at the past is always a loss. If you don’t take the basic step of showing up at the polls to make your voices heard, you hardly have a chance.

From the other side the current administration has the slogans “Drain the swamp;  Make America great again; and “Democrats create mobs, Republicans create jobs.” Haters should remember that there is some truth to every side of an argument. The North Korea threat has at last been neutralized, veterans were finally brought home after 65 years! The economy is the best it has been in decades business is booming from coast to coast. ISIS has been decimated-all positive.

It is an important election. Maybe its like how every Geico commercial tells you to “switch now and see how much you can save?” Regardless, if you’re a registered voter, by all means, do so. Our veterans shed their blood to give you that right.

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